This upcoming Tuesday is April first – or April Fools’ Day. And while we’re pretty sure it isn’t really a Biblical holiday, it is interesting to look at the many tangled roots of this fun, notable date on the calendar.
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It seems like only yesterday, we were celebrating the start of a new calendar year. But here it is, nearly a third of the way into 2025. Welcome spring!
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Termites are an issue in most places around the world. Unless you live in Antarctica, it’s likely you’ll encounter them. It’s even worse for Floridians. Termites just love our subtropical weather. The chance of dealing with a termite infestation isn’t just a high probability – it’s practically an inevitability. Last week, we looked at drywood termites – what most people would think of as traditional termites. This week, we need to talk about their far more destructive cousins – swarming, subterranean Formosan termites.
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“There are two kinds of homes in Florida. Ones that have termites, and ones that don’t have termites… yet.” We don’t say that to create fear, we’re just being honest about how life is in our sub-tropical climate on the Gulf Coast of Florida. All things being equal, every homeowner in our area will have to deal with termites – at some time and one way or another. That might be why there are two whole weeks of termite awareness this month!
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Wolf spiders have been found in nearly every country and every continent except Antarctica. They prefer to live and hunt in open fields, quiet backyards, wooded areas, and along the coast. They also sometimes hang out in vegetation along streams and marshes. And while many of us fear spiders, this one is actually beneficial in controlling other pests.
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Rats are multiplying faster and faster. Thanks to both climate change and urban development, rodent – and specifically rat – populations are on the rise in every corner of the globe. What can be done?
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Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and love is in the air… But so are insects! While we probably won’t see a lot of mosquitoes for a few more weeks, cockroaches in Florida know no season. Except mating season! Just kidding – they pretty much do that year-round too. So why are we talking about roaches and romance today? Two American zoos celebrate the roach in different ways for the holiday!
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Last week, we talked about how many insects seem to have been around longer than people. Mosquitoes and cockroaches are often given this designation. Roaches in particular are considered the ultimate survivor – able to live for a week without a head and maybe even survive a nuclear war! Fact? Fiction? A little of each?
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When most people think of the word prehistoric, they picture visions of dinosaurs, or maybe cavemen telling stories around a campfire. It’s not often that someone brings up some of the other organisms that roamed the earth millions of years ago. But just like today, many other creatures lurked among the flora and fauna of those far off times. Insects of many types have survived for far longer than any other species of life.
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As America and the world watch the tragic wildfires in Los Angeles, California, it's hard not to compare it to our own experiences of three major hurricanes in just over two years here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Communities and neighbors cross boundaries, borders and beliefs to work together to help those in need.
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This is National Thank Your Customers Week - but we don't need the reminder to thank our family of clients!!! We appreciate all of you!
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As we clink our glasses tonight at midnight, here is some history about toasts and clinking! Happy New Year!
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Christmas is commonly referred to as the most wonderful time of the yearand not just because of the song lyrics. It is, after all, one of the oldest and most widely celebrated holidays. But why is holly so representative of the season?
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As we prepare for Christmas next week, it is also a time for other meaningful and hope-filled holidays. Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are celebrations of peace, harmony and the prayers and aspirations for a time of promise.
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There are many ways you can prevent, or at least minimize, pest invasions from the outside. Learn some good tips and find out about our T-A-P environmentally friendly pest control insulation.
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As the temperatures drop, even to what we may consider cool days, it is likely that there may be an increase in the number of mice and rats that may seek shelter in your home or office. Learn the difference between the two rodents, how to spot them and what to do about them.
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We always give thanks to everyone in our lives, but today is a special time to remember. Also, a good time for some yummy recipes!
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This month, we here at Good News Pest Solutions are focusing on Thankfulness. Last week, we talked about how, if you spend just 15 minutes a day, five days a week practicing gratitude, it can actually improve your physical and mental health.
That’s one broad example of the benefits of adopting a thankful posture whenever possible. This week, let’s dig deeper.
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Welcome to the month of November. We may still be cleaning up in the aftermath of the recent hurricanes, but thankfully, the season is ended and we have no more storms on the horizon. Since the coming holidays are at the forefront of everyone’s minds this month , we thought we’d take a look at the nature of gratitude, thankfulness, and just how blessed we all are.
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Not all roaches invade your home - green roaches prefer the outdoors and if you do see one inside, it got there by mistake!
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All across America tonight, millions of children will go door to door or car trunk to car trunk, dressed in various costumes, asking for and getting candy and other snacks. The night is promoted as a time of fun and frivolity, harvest and community. But how did it all begin?
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Today marks the beginning of the Scorpio zodiac sign - but why scorpions? And what if you see an actual one in your home???
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As predicted, this year’s hurricane season is one of the strongest in years. And although we’re in October, when typically, tropical storm activity declines significantly, that is not the case this year. We’re still recovering from Helene, and Milton has plowed through right behind her. But if you know one thing about the Sunshine State – we’re resilient. The second thing most people know is that our population, especially along the Gulf Coast gets a lot busier once the temperatures up North start dropping. When the mercury heads south, so do the snowbirds. And we’re happy to have you. But even if you left the storm shutters up when you hopped on I-75 headed home earlier this year or have someone keeping an eye out for you, there’s a good chance your winter home may not be in the same condition it was when you left.
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Please stay safe during this emergency called Hurricane Milton!
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On September 26, Hurricane Helene made landfall in the Big Bend region of Florida, near the city of Perry. The Category 4 storm swept through the state and up the coast, making it all the way to Tennessee before dissipating. Here are some post-flood tips to help minimize insect invasion in your home.
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We generally talk about how to deal with bugs in your home - but we can help with infestations in your workplace too!
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Fall officially hits the calendar on Sunday, September 22. But the smell of pumpkin spice is already redolent in the air. Whether it’s your PSL coffee, your seasonal pancakes and whipped topping, SPAM, or even your dog treats – pumpkin spice is everywhere.
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Oropouche fever, once contained almost exclusively to the Amazon rain forest has mutated and is rapidly spreading through South, Central and North America. The disease is popularly known as Sloth Fever, because it primarily affects sloths, birds and primates. It was first identified nearly 70 years ago, but since late 2023 has exploded across the American continents.
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On September 5, 1997, Mother Theresa, often seen as one of the most giving persons in our modern world, went on to her heavenly reward. At 87 years old, she had dedicated nearly 70 years to helping the poor and destitute. In 2012, 15 years after her passing, the United Nations declared September 5th as the International Day of Charity.
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Last week, we talked about deer flies and how they were on their way out very shortly. Unfortunately, as we’ve discussed before, they are far from the only biting flies we need to worry about on Florida’s Gulf Coast. While the aforementioned deer flies are out almost every year from May through early September, other annoying insects show up pretty exclusively for the rainy, aka, hurricane season. In years when we have less rain, we get fewer of them. But given how June came in we are “in for it” this year.
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If you’ve ever been feasted on by a deer fly, you know it. No stinging itch, but a striking pain. Not only will they leave red bumps or welts on your skin, they can also transmit Tularemia, a rare bacterial disease also known as rabbit fever.
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Hammerhead worms are not to be trifled with. They are carnivorous, and their favorite food is earthworms. As we mentioned, you can’t just chop them up – they’ll grow again. And if you try to pick one up, you’ll get hit with the neurotoxins their outer covering exudes.
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While most moths are drawn to light – in one way or another – and eat nectar, sap, flowers (and occasionally our clothing), Plodia interpunctella , or pantry moths, have developed a taste for grains and meal. That includes seeds, pasta, dog food, and some spices. How do we avoid them? And if we have them, how do we get rid of them.
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Just a little over a week ago, Paris made history as the 2024 Olympic Games launched – the third global contest in 128 years to be hosted in their city. Until now, only London has hosted the games three or more times. In 2028, Los Angeles will also three-peat. Because of the ongoing Russo-Ukraine war, Russia and Belarus were banned from participating in the games. But more than 11,000 athletes from all over the planet are currently competing in challenging acts of athletic prowess and accomplishment while the world watches.
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Now that we have indoor plumbing, you’re far less likely to hear about people being bitten by black widow spiders. It’s true – the number one place to get bitten by a black widow was in the outhouse. They still pop up from time to time – usually by accident. Brown widows are far more common in the Sunshine state – and really they only show up in Southern states and a few out west. Thankfully, the bite of the brown widow spider isn’t as deadly as their darker cousins, but it can be painful and cause muscle spasms. Here is what to look for.
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There are some images that just immediately give you a visceral reaction. And bed bugs fall into that category right away! But there are a lot of little creepers that may look like bed bugs...and aren't. Here are some examples.
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You’d be forgiven if your first reaction to seeing a Dobsonfly was to recoil in fear. They really can be quite disconcerting and scary in appearance. But there are few insects who better embody the old adage – its bark is worse than its bite.
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Happy Birthday, America! Here we talk about history, traditions and notable fun facts about Independence Day
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Have you ever thought how amazing it would be to have fresh honey and honeycombs? All while helping to save the diminishing bee population? Here we introduce the idea of beekeeping - as a hobby or business - as part of our efforts to save our natural resources.
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If you pay close attention to the meteorologist of your choice, you might note that Summer officially begins… Today! To be even more precise, it starts at 4:51pm today (20:51, Universal Time).
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Two years ago, we told you about a new, very active orb weaver spider that somehow ended up in the United States from its Asian origins about 10 years ago. At the time, Joro spiders had spread to several parts of the they have been sighted in the Sunshine State.
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If December 7, 1941 is a day that shall live in infamy, June 6, 1944 is even more important. While the attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II, the invasion of Normandy Beach was the day that marked the beginning of the end of that global conflict. Today marks the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord or D-Day, when around 160,000 Allied soldiers – Americans, British and Canadian stormed the beaches of Normandy. At the time, it was the largest naval, air and land operation in history. Sadly, while it was a stunning victory over the Nazis and Axis powers, approximately 4000 men lost their lives in the attempt to liberate France and end the war.
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We all have those days where we just want to hide. Bury ourselves deep into the woods, the ocean, or just the couch cushions; disappear from the world. For us, it’s usually a stress thing, or a reaction to a person or task we’d rather not deal with right at any given moment. For insects, though, being able to “disappear” can be vital to their very survival. Here we talk about some of those remarkable creatures who hide so as not to be eaten, or so as not to be seen by those they wish to eat.
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There are two types of homes in Florida. Ones that are termite infested, and ones that aren’t – YET. Yes, that “yet” covers quite a bit of ground. Here we talk about what to look for and what to do.
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While our weather patterns don’t often reflect the seasons our neighbors to the North deal with, many of the lower orders of creatures still follow their instinctual, God-ordained habits and life cycles. Even though we rarely saw temperatures drop below the 80s, we’re technically about to leave spring behind for the summer. So the caterpillars and moths of the family Erebidae are shaking off their hibernation and finishing their development and metamorphosis. That fuzzy black caterpillar will become a giant Leopard Moth!
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As we finish out the school year and approach summer, our kids’ thoughts – and perhaps our own – turn towards summer months and outdoor activities. One of the fondest memories we have is chasing lightning bugs in the dusk hours and later watching our kids do the same. But you may not be aware that certain fireflies are special. Not only do they illuminate the warm summer nights, but in some places, for a short time, they light up all at the same time.
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Living in the Sunshine State already we don’t have to go far to enjoy a little getaway. And despite all the construction and development, there are still plenty of wild areas to explore on the Gulf Coast and elsewhere in our state. Just remember, whether you’re air boating through the Everglades, checking out a time share outside of Disney, or exploring the woods around your house, we have now entered flea and tick season.
That’s why every May we take a moment to remember National Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
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While malaria isn’t the scourge it once was, it is far from extinct.In 2007, the WHO established World Malaria Day, to provide for the education and understanding of malaria, and to encourage intensified implementation of national malaria-control strategies.
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Floridais host to at least 1200 different insect species, so sometimes it is hard to distinguish one from the other. All the more reason to pause for a moment before you swat that pesky mosquito alighting on your wall. Instead of a blood-sucking menace, it might be a simple crane fly in search of love.
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“Like a moth to a flame…” Chances are, if you haven’t uttered this exact phrase, you’ve heard someone say it – your parent, grandparent or someone on TV. But this cliché may have less truth to it than we previously thought. Or maybe it doesn’t? When the experts are conflicted, you can’t blame us for not being too sure. Let’s look at the prevailing theories on moths, what gets their attention and what it all means.
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From April 15 to August 15, bats are protected. We already can’t – and don’t want to – kill bats. But during maternity season, we cannot even get close to them. Normally, if a home or business was having issues, we’d come in and do “exclusion.” That’s the process of carefully and safely relocating bats. But Florida law does not allow any human to approach a bat during maternity season.
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As we approach the holiest of holidays in the Christian calendar, some history, some tradition and the true meaning of this coming weekend are combined with our blessing to all of you.
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One of the Lovebug seasons is nigh upon us - here's what you need to know...and do!
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Scientists recently completed a new study that traced the genetic heritage of butterflies and moths. With a history of over 250 million years, the hope is to learn how their remarkable existence might be adapted to more species.
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As much as we love our permanent residents here on the Gulf Coast of Florida – including our own families and co-workers! – we know that not everyone spends the whole year here. And that’s okay. Not everyone can handle a full year of semi-tropical paradise. But if you’re a first-time snowbird, the children of retirees taking over their parent’s home, or just haven’t done it in a while, you might want some tips on properly “Summer-izing” your Florida home or condo.
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Imagine being one of the 4.1 million people who only get to celebrate their birthdays once every four years – or so. “Leapers” or “leaplings” is the term used to describe people born on February 29th of a leap year. There’s a lot more to leap year and February 29th than some confusing birthdays, though, and here we talk about the history, and some fun facts, about today.
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Sometimes, what seems to be obvious isn’t really. For example, today we’re talking about pests you might find in your home, specifically, the arthropods known as centipedes and millipedes. What’d the difference between centipedes and millipedes? Clearly one must be a lot longer, because he’s got 10 times more legs, right? Not really!
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Continuing our series on the most common pests we find in Florida homes, today we’ll look at two insects that won’t trouble your body but the things you own - moths and silverfish.
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This week, we return to our on-going series on the most common pests in Florida homes. We’ve seen and treated the worst the Sunshine State has to offer. But for this post, we’re going to focus on the horsefly and the omnivorous house cricket.
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It’s time for the annual speculation… Will a mysterious marmot pop out of his underground bunker and be scared by the sight of his own body obscuring the radiant beams of the sun, thus ensuring that the winter solstice continues for another forty days? Even though there are a few places less concerned with an additional 6 weeks of winter, we all know the story – Will the groundhog see its shadow?
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Every year on January 25th, the nation celebrates Florida becoming the 27th state on March 3, 1845. And as of last year, the state legislature established that April 2 is Florida State Day, or “Pascua Florida Day.” Here are some fun facts about the history of the Sunshine State.
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This is part one of a multi-part series describing the most common pests we find here in our sunny Florida homes. Today we focus on ants and cockroaches.
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Living on the Gulf Coast of Florida means we see and have to defend our homes from a lot of unusual insects. But the beauty of living in our subtropical weather – other than temperate weather that attracts thousands of snowbirds every year – is that we get to see so many unusual and interesting insects. Like the the top of this the Brazilian Treehopper.
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It’s said that the first new year’s resolutions were made some 4000 years ago in ancient Babylon. Of course, at that time the beginning of the year was around the middle of what we now call the month of March, not January. The history of resolutions, and current trends, are interesting indeed.
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It looks like our temperatures will finally be dropping this weekend, just in time to slip on a sweater, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and celebrate the new year. Here are our wishes for all of our friends, family members, customer and co-workers - in fact, for all of our community and the world at large!
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With sunny skies, temperatures still in the upper 60’s to mid-70’s, and a weird tropical storm popping up last weekend, it may be hard to remember that we’re days away from Christmas. Along with the celebrations with families and friends, Santa Claus, gingerbread and presents, let us not forget the true meaning of the day.
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Saturday is “officially” Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. But it’s more than a singular day – ugly Christmas sweater season is here. But did you know the origins of this tradition?
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Tonight at approximately 5:36pm, the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah begins. The eight-day festival of lights is in remembrance of the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, following the Maccabean Revolt in the second century BC.
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Even though it rarely gets too cold here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, it's not uncommon for many houses to open the flue and kindle a nice fire while they're decorating the Christmas tree or baking dad's favorite cookies. That's just one way destructive ants can get into your home!
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Today is Thanksgiving Day. While we are always blessed by and thankful for all that is around us, we wanted to stop by to extend our thanks to all of our clients, partners, friends and family and to wish you a wonderful and bountiful day and weekend.
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November 16th is International Day for Tolerance. Not a made-up holiday, but rather the result of a United Nations resolution. See what it means.
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As beautiful as our gulf coast scenery, beaches and sunsets look, unfortunately, there are hidden dangers just below the surface. From November to March, that danger has a name - Light Southeastern Subterranean Termites.
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We just celebrated All Saint's Day, and that means it's almost time to set our clocks back! Here is some interesting information about the history of Daylight Savings Time before we gain an hour this coming weekend!
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Mischief makers rejoice! Spooky season is upon us. In just a few days, we will celebrate Halloween, All Saints Day, and Dia de los Muertos, marking the beginning of the autumn and then winter holidays.
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The bites just keep on coming. While not yet on our shores a highly efficient and malaria-spreading mosquito has the attention of the World Health Organization.
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For more than 20 years, the Atala butterfly was thought to be extinct. In 1959, hope was resurrected when a Eumaeus atala Poey, the largest and most iridescent hairstreak butterfly, was once again spotted in southern Miami. There is hope now that this beautiful butterfly will be returning, albeit slowly, to the Everglades.
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Some holidays go back generations to the very founding of our country. A few, like Christmas and Easter, go back a lot further. And then there a handful that have begun in the last 30-40 years. We dedicate this blog to those Indigenous Peoples in America who came before us, are still with us, and are stewards of our lands and our history.
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As September winds to a close, we look forward to another of our more unusual seasons here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. While we won't see the weather drastically cooling and many leaves falling off the trees, we do get the benefit of those seasonal delights such as the migration of the spectacular Monarch Butterfly!
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While it doesn't have the same effect on our thermometers as it does to our neighbors to the North, the calendar reminds us that the Fall season officially begins on Saturday, the 23rd, just before 3am - it is time for the Autumnal Equinox. Here is some history and some traditions, new and old, that might be of interest to you!
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Mosquitoes are a fact of life here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. While a lot of people associate bats with just Hallowe'en, they are nature's pest controllers! Building a bathouse in your backyard is one way to help reduce the mosquito population.
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Today marks the fourth annual celebration of International Clean Air for Blue Skies Day! Learn what it is all about and how you can do your part.
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Two weeks ago, in the wake of the first hurricane making landfall in Southern California in nearly 100 years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) raised their May 2023 prediction to a 60% chance of a busier than usual Hurricane Season. And as of this writing, that seems to be the case.
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It shouldn't be too much of a surprise to most folks that bees are mentioned in the Bible. After all, the Holy Land that God has Abraham lead the Hebrew people to is often referred to as a land of milk and honey. Throughout history, multiple saints have been deemed the protector of bees and beehives!
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While spiders are nature's predators and feed on other invasive insects, many people are still leery about having them in their homes. Here are some simple ways to keep spiders out
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Last month, a new invasive fruit fly was found in an area of California known for its vibrant farmer's markets. Much like the variety of fruit fly that invaded Pinellas County last year, this damaging import caused a quarantine of produce in the area.
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Living on the Gulf Coast of Florida in the height of summer can often seem a lot like our little title image up there. No matter how hard you try, insects are going to invade your home and office - it's just a fact of life. Here are some tips to keep the bugs out.
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Thanks to our wonderful sub-tropical weather and the constant influx of visitors and new residents, we have no shortage of biting insects to contend with. One such insect is the tiny biting midge.
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The last time mosquitoes made a big splash in the news was in 2016 at the Summer Games, when Zika virus was a prevalent threat in Brazil. Although worrying is not in order, we want to make you aware of the current news about malaria and mosquito bite prevention.
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On hot summer nights on the Gulf Coast of Florida, if you close your eyes, cock your head just right and listen closely, you might hear the strident chitter of the cicada. In fact, it's almost impossible to NOT hear them! Here we address some fun facts, and history, associated with this sleep-interruptor!
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This week, we want to look at Technomyrmex difficilis – also known as the White-footed ant. While this insect was first confirmed to be in our area in 2004, it was already established, and because of misidentification it’s hard to say just when the ant popped up in Southern Florida.
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Now that summer is officially here and Independence Day is right around the corner, it's time to break out the grill, stock up on BBQ sauce, and refill the propane tank (or load up on charcoal). Those summer picnics are a great time to get together with family and friends...and uninvited guests - bees and wasps.
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Given the state of our thermometers for the past couple of months, you'd be forgiven for thinking we're well into the summer months. According to the calendar, however, yesterday was the longest day of 2023, marking the beginning of the summer solstice, our rainy season and more of an opportunity to have a mosquito invasion.
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Did you know that Sunday marks the 51st official anniversary of Father's Day? Yes, despite the perception of a long-held standard of celebrating the fathers – and those who serve as fathers – in our lives, it’s only been a national holiday since 1972.
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Here in the Sunshine State, our semi-tropical weather means we have a year-round growing season. Unfortunately, many garden plants will wilt in our warmer summers and direct sunlight. But a few of the hardier vegetables – sweet potatoes, lima beans, okra, peppers and watermelon do well in our Southwest Florida summers, only to face a smaller, deadlier threat – whiteflies.
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While summer doesn't officially start for another 3 weeks, now that we've hit Memorial Day, it's time to prepare for Ticks
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This coming weekend marks the unofficial start of summer. More importantly, it marks a national holiday where we are called to remember those who gave up their lives for our freedom to enjoy those sales, BBQs and pool openings. Memorial Day is a somber holiday whose true significance is oft-forgotten. But we don't ever forget.
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As we begin transitioning from unseasonably warmer spring and winter temperatures to our all too seasonal warm and soon to be rainy summer months, we and our animals will spend a bit more time out of doors. What a perfect time to start noticing fleas on your pets, and, hopefully, not on you!
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Despite some of the wonderful things that certain bugs do for us, the first thought when you see an insect on your house, is not usually, “How lucky!”
But, although they’re less exciting and colorful as their butterfly cousins, for hundreds of years moths have been considered signs of good luck in love and messengers of change, transformation and new beginnings. They are, however, unlucky in early stages since they can be very destructive.
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It started with a simple little space movie- then evolved into a universe of its own and an affirmation of positivity and hope. May The Force Be With You - May 4th is Star Wars Day!
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As we approach the end of April, this seems like the perfect time to talk about the Mayfly. But not for the reasons that could appear too obvious.
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While we were preparing for bed last night, Wednesday, April 19, 2023, something unusual happened. Our global neighbors in Australia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia where it was already Thursday morning, the 20th experienced an eclipse.
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Just when we thought we knew about our Florida mosquitoes, scientists have discovered another one...and this one may be carrying diseases too!
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Easter is a time of hope - of new beginnings and of rebirth.
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Yes, it's amazing that Florida has such a variety of insects that we can actually do a two-part article just on flies alone. This time we are focusing on flies that bite.
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There are more than twenty species of flies scattered across Florida. The majority fall into one of two categories. Next week, we'll talk about flies that are known for their bite. For today, we'll cover flies that breed in filth. It's a nasty topic, but a very important one!
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Our clocks just sprang forward, and yesterday was Julius Caesar's least favorite holiday. That means that tomorrow is a very green day indeed. Learn more about our green etymological friends as we get ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
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Termite swarming season for most of the country comes between May and July. But here on the Gulf Coast, December is really the only month where we DON'T see termites...and they tend to start building their nests between March and June. So it is time to prepare and know what to look for!
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For years, people have talked about how cockroaches could survive a nuclear attack. But is that true?
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Precisely translated as ‘pluck the day,’ the phrase "carpe diem" is now embedded in our cultural lexicon as the expression for not waiting another day to start living your life. And that’s what led to the unofficially official Carpe Diem Day – celebrated every February 26. This year that’ll be this coming Sunday.
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Orb weaver spiders are part of the largest, most varied subgroup of spiders known to man. Unlike some other spiders the orb weavers are not named for how they appear, but rather for the intricate webs they expertly weave. Read on for the second part of our discussion of this amazing creatures.
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If we asked you to picture an orb weaver spider, chances are you would be able to, even though each person reading this article might picture a different spider. The fact is, orb weaver spiders are part of the largest, most varied subgroup of spiders known to man. In fact, unlike some other spiders the orb weavers are not named for their appearance, but rather the spider web they expertly weave.
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Usually when we talk about how some bugs are really good at surviving, the cockroach is at the top of the list. But the Silverfish is even heartier and can be more invasive if you aren't careful!
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Today is International Environmental Education Day, a great time to remember how we were given stewardship of our planet.
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It has been 110 days since Hurricane Ian wrecked havoc on the Gulf Coast. In addition to the damage to home, businesses and our infrastructure, the storm also affected thousands of bee colonies. Scientific efforts and multiple charities have come together to help restore the bee pollination sources to try to avoid disastrous impact on crops.
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We live in a very strange world. Tomorrow, the second Friday of January, sometimes referred to as Quitting Day is also Friday, the 13th. Which we all know is unlucky. Or do we? And what insects are related to luck - good or bad?
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Epiphany, Día de los Tres Reyes, Twelfth Night, Three Kings Day, take down the tree day… All names for the day after the 12th Day of Christmas (aka tomorrow). Here are some traditions and bits of information that you might not have known about the day those Twelve Drummers are Drumming!
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Get more exercise! Eat healthier! Lose weight! Save money! Every year, right after Christmas, millions of people around the world make decisions - nay, resolutions! - to make their lives better in the coming year. But when did the tradition of resolution-making begin?
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We are only three days from Christmas - we thought you might enjoy some of the international traditions of this blessed season of hope.
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Have you ever thought of a spider as being good luck? Not only are they natural pest controllers, their venom and silk is used for medical experiments and may lead to a cure for some forms of cancer. But in Germany, Poland, and Ukraine, spotting a spider web in your Christmas tree is considered very good luck indeed!
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Twas about two weeks before the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not… Eeek! Is that a mouse?!?
That is NOT how the poem is supposed to go. But as the moon waxes gibbous and the days get colder (hey, 72 is cooler than 85!), not to mention seeing lots of new construction, there’s a decent chance a scampering rodent or two might make its way into your house. What to do, what to do?
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Not millions of years ago, not even a thousand years ago. Since the First World War, insects around the globe have become more damaging to plant life. We talk a lot about how there are fewer bees, butterflies and silk moths – and how those losses can potentially cause issues in the future. But deforestation creates even more problems!
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It feels like just last week we were gearing up for trick-or-treating, and now here we are on Thanksgiving Day! Here are some fun facts to consider as you gather to celebrate all your blessings.
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Did you know that archaeologists actually USE Carpet Beetles in a constructive way because they are so destructive?
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Although ants are considered pests and you don't want them in your home, they are truly amazing in their own right! Here are some interested facts about these little creatures you might now know.
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No, it's not just a question of semantics; these are two insects who look remarkably similar. But while one is always a happy site to see, the other couldn't be more unwelcome.
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We get it. The first reaction after seeing a cockroach, right after that visceral, creeped out gasp of fear -is to STOMP. Or swat, or grab a shoe or newspaper magazine and obliterate the offending bug. But that is NOT the best idea! Here's why.
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Everyone seems to hate spiders, but they are an important part of our ecosystems. We are exploring how they are misunderstood as "the bad guy", especially before you are inundated with them at Halloween!!!
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No, it isn't your imagination - ants CAN climb up walls and defy gravity by crawling across the ceiling. Here's how.
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As we all recover from Hurricane Ian, let us come together as a community, much like some of our fellow creatures, insects, who work together to rebuild.
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They're a constant presence during the rainy season and there's a reason we not-so-fondly refer to them as the unofficial state bird. There are around 3500 different species of mosquitoes. Thankfully, we only have 80 or so of those species in Florida - but why are they attracted to some people more than others?
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Okay, yes, we’re going by the calendar, not by the weather, which feels hotter than ever, or the changing leaves, which we don’t see a whole lot of on the Gulf Coast of Florida. But still, according to the Farmer’s Almanac and the calendar on our wall, today, September 22nd, is officially the beginning of the autumnal equinox.
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It's that time of year when weather changes will "invite" some insects into your home - the stink bug is one of them. While harmless to humans, they are a major threat to crops...and they smell horrible if you crush them!
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Well, we're not sure how big, an accomplishment this actually is, but a new insect invader has just popped up in the state of Florida and not in Orlando or Miami, but right here in our Gulf Coast backyard. The Hercules Beetle, found in the rainforest, was found in N Ft Myers!
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It's hard to believe it is already September, and this weekend we celebrate Labor Day. Here are some facts and traditions that you might like to read about!
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We are in the midst of hurricane season here in Florida, and aside from potentially dangerous wind and rain events, the stormy season can also bring mosquitoes!
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August 20 is World Honey Bee Day! Here are some important facts for you to know about how the bee impacts our lives.
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What has happened to the insect populations that we used to see at night or in our outside lights?
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If you know Greek or paid attention to our graphic you might have already guessed what the word entomophagy means. From the Greek for 'insect', and "to eat", it is the practice of eating bugs. Don't be shocked - you already do!
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Summertime often means having a little bit more free time. One activity that becomes especially popular during this time of year is collecting insects.
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While GNPS uses advanced and safe techniques to rid your home of pests, the insect world itself provides remarkable defense mechanisms from predators in nature.
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Bastille Day, commemorating French independence from tyranny, is July 14.
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They're soft, furry, and resemble a miniature Persian cat. Their color varies from grayish white to a golden light brown with streaks of bright orange. But make no mistake - their fur isn't fur and these furry barbs pack a dangerous sting you won't soon forget!
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It's hard to believe that this weekend we celebrate our nation's independence - here is a bit of history about the day and the traditions associated with it.
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It's a good time to have your home inspected for Drywood (and other) Termites - they LOVE the humidity of the Suncoast!
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This Sunday, the third Sunday in June, we celebrate Father's Day. The most famous "father" in the insect world is Daddy Long Legs
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Although we may have less temperature swings than residents of Northern states, we still rotate our seasonal clothing - and if we don't take preventative measures, the stored clothes can be damaged by numerous pests.
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Even though summer doesn't officially start until later this month, we're already hearing some buzz about one of the most annoying insects of the summer - the common house fly.
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Memorial Day is this coming Monday, and this three-day weekend represents more than the unofficial start of summer .
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The Mayfly may have a short life, but is important to our ecosystem
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Outside of being beautiful aerialists, dragonflies are an interesting study of complications, inconsistencies and mythological legends.
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This coming Sunday is Mother's Day - the annual celebration of mothers across the world that happens on the second Sunday in May. There are fierce moms in the insect world too!
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Most of the time when we talk about ants , we're not showing them in a particularly good light. But like all God's creatures, ants have a place and a remarkable and positive purpose in our ecostructure that cannot be denied.
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Tomorrow is Earth Day - a day to celebrate, protect, cherish and recognize God's creations.
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Even as both holy days are deeply rooted in death – they both represent a larger hope. For Christians, Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday is the beginning of both a new world and a new liturgical calendar. Lent has ended, let the celebration of life begin. For the Jewish people, Pesach represents the leaving behind of slavery.
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Spring has sprung - time to clean and refresh our homes!
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Even the insect world celebrates April Fools' Day with camouflage and deception .
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There is a relatively new spider that has come to our shores, and after overtaking much of Georgia, experts expect the Joro spider to spread to most of the continental United States. Yes, including the Gulf shores of Florida.
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The tale of St. Patrick and how the color green is represented by the insect world.
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We have mentioned before that scientists have identified approximately 1 million insect species and some predict there may be 10 or even 30 million more not yet spotted by man.
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We are thankful for our employees everyday, but tomorrow is a reminder of how important they are to our work family.
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This will be a difficult year for Florida citrus farmers, not just because of the cold snap that affected growth but also because of citrus greening caused by pysllids.
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What are vector-borne diseases and how can you try to avoid them?
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Valentine's Day is near and many don't know that some insects represent love and devotion
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Black pioneers of entomology are celebrated as we begin Black History Month.
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Did you know that the prey of the house centipede consists of roaches and other pests?
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Termites are a year-round problem here on the Gulf Coast!
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Do you know how to tell if that furry rodent in the house is a mouse or a rat?
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There’s a reason Florida almost always ranks at the top of the list for the top states for bedbugs, and the gulf coast area is consistently in the top 25.
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Traditions and history associated with New Years Day
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Our wish for all of you for a Merry and Blessed Christmas
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A wonderful tale celebrating the miracles of Christmas
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Some of the most colorful insects in the world could actually look like ornaments on your tree
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For many families, the week after Thanksgiving is when they start shopping for Christmas trees. Be on the lookout for insects in those fresh trees!
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Thanksgiving is a time of peace, reflection and gratitude - and maybe even some football
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It's an old wives' tale that earwigs crawl into your ears and invade your brain!
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…the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month...Honoring our veterans today
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Chances are you've relocated to Florida from somewhere else - really, who hasn't? Okay, for the 10% who were born and raised in Florida, we promise this will still be interesting.
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So for our final spooky spider post of October 2021, we've decided to shed the spooky and focus on the flavorful! With Halloween less than a week away, you're probably looking for some tasty treats to share with your in-house trick or treats!
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As we dive deeper into our month-long study of spiders, it makes sense to take a quick look as to why these particular arachnids are the source of fear.
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As we reach the midpoint of October and our special series on spiders, we’d like to talk about some often seen creatures that are sometimes spiders… and sometimes not!
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As we cruise into the second week of October, you’ve probably noticed a lot of new seasonal items at our local stores. No, not the Christmas stuff – yes, we know it’s already on shelves, and Starbucks started doing their PSL’s in August! But we tend to be more traditional around here. So of course, we’re talking about Halloween! For the month of October, we’re going to talk about a perennial part of the various Halloween traditions since at least the middle ages – Spiders.
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Growing up, one of the elderly ladies in our church was known for proudly declaring that she always ate her dessert first. She believed that while food that was good for us was necessary, taking pleasure in eating sweets was just as important – especially as she approached the end of her life.
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We talk a lot about the diversity in creation and the interesting things we discover about insects. We’re always learning more about and from them. A lot of times, those articles come about because of scientific studies and research. But it might surprise you to know that a lot of that research is accomplished thanks to amateur entomologists.
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We love living in the tropical paradise here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. But there is one major irritant we just can’t seem to get away from. Sure, hurricanes pop up from time to time, but we’re plagued almost year round by our “state insect,” the mosquito.
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This week, we flip the calendar from August to September, and the kids go back to school. Although summer doesn’t officially end until September 22, this upcoming weekend has long been considered the end of summer. We do picnics, take one last family trip to the beach, and sort through our closets.
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Most of the rest of the United States is preparing for the fall season to begin. But while they look forward to leaves changing color, we have our own fall tradition – love bug season!Most of the rest of the United States is preparing for the fall season to begin. But while they look forward to leaves changing color, we have our own fall tradition – love bug season!
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Yes, we know… Here on the Gulf Coast of Florida it seems like every day is a mosquito day. Why do we need a holiday for it?
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Glancing at the calendar, tomorrow is Friday the 13th of August. While we can experience up to three of these “scary” days in a year – 2020 had two! – this is the only time we’ll see it this year. Superstitions are strange and unusual creatures. Some of them seem silly and random while others appear to have existed in our culture since before recorded history.
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When we’re stepping out of our homes these days of unseasonably high temperatures and we are almost immediately wiping our brows, it’s easy to understand why the ancient Romans called this time of year the “dog days of summer”.
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It’s hard to imagine someone who’s had more impact on the scientific world than Charles Darwin, author of On the Origin of Species. But more than 25 years prior to Darwin’s science shattering treatise, another book was published that examined the diversity and adaptation of the animal kingdom and came to a different conclusion.
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The latest Marvel movie, Black Widow, begins with a scene set in 1995 that probably looks very familiar to most of us. Two young girls running around woodsy central Ohio, admiring glowing lightning bugs, or fireflies.
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Last week we talked about how we often get calls for and deal with the Florida House Mice that sometimes find their way into our homes and attics. Today, we’re going to address their much larger cousin.
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A high percentage of the time when we get a call, it’s about insect invaders in your home or yard. But we provide full-service pest prevention here at Good News Pest Solutions.
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Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we love our country. Despite all the challenges we’ve faced over the past 245 years, the arguments between political parties, and even the year of lockdown, it’s still the greatest country on the face of the earth.
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Now that the rainy season is in full swing, you might have noticed some new bugs encroaching on your house. They look like dark, stunted caterpillars. And when you touch them, they have a tendency to roll up into a ball.
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This Sunday we’ll mark the one hundred and eleventh annual celebration of Father’s Day. Thankfully, this year we can gather our families around us again, in person, as we celebrate fathers.
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Given the subtropical temperate weather that we experience most of the year, it’s not surprising that there are a lot of jokes about Florida having no seasons.
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April showers bring May flowers… and June bugs??
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Just a couple of weeks ago, a new holiday was launched. Sort of. We know it sounds like a momentous event, but until Congress or the United Nations steps up, it’s not as big a deal as you’d think.
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Close your eyes and picture it. It is one of those iconic scenes from old movies or Biblical illustrations. The queen, raised up on a litter, carried by 4 to 6 servants, and death is the penalty to any servant who lets her feet hit the ground.
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We are always surprised and amazed by the incredible things we discover in God’s creation as we learn more about our world. For years, entomologists have theorized that bees use circadian rhythms to estimate the passage of time.
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Most of the time when we encounter spider webs, it’s a less than entertaining experience. We’re trying to clean webs and cobwebs out of all of the corners of our home.
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Spoiler alert! No, the titanic moth creature from the Godzilla universe does not exist in real life. But our most recent ‘Extreme Bug’ is definitely creepy if not downright frightening. Good thing it’s native to Australia, not Flori
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We have the pleasure of talking about a whole lot of different insects. Some you may encounter and others are just extremely cool or weird or maybe even both. But it’s a rare treat when we can talk about a true Queen Bee!
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There’s a great scene in Christopher Nolan’s first Batman movie – Batman Begins. Bruce Wayne is talking about being a symbol that will strike fear into the hearts of the evil men of Gotham. And his loyal friend and mentor Alfred inq
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More insects will start to come out as temperatures continue to rise. Okay, yes, it’s more of a thing in the Midwest than here with our own pretty steady sub-tropical weather. But we’ll still see more insect activity. Just listen for the
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Well, it’s been a long, confusing, divisive year. In 2020, many of us couldn’t be with friends and family or even attend an in-person worship service for Easter. But through it all, the message didn’t change. The Good News of Jesus
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Now that spring has spread across the country, we think it’s time to talk about Boxelder Bugs.
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Yay! Spring is about to… sprang? Sprung? Have been sprung? Silly irregular verbs! English can be a confusing language sometimes. But the point is, Spring is here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, even if the official start of the Vernal Equinox is
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You wake up in the middle of the night feeling unsettled. You look across the room – are those two tiny eyes staring back at you? You grab the flashlight you keep beside your bed and shine it into the darkness. Now you can see six more eyes in
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Are you ready? It’s coming next week! TERMITE AWARENESS WEEK!
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It sounds like the hypothesis for a middle school science fair project – do termites eat wood faster or slower depending on what music is playing? Back in the 60’s, scientists tested and discovered that certain plants grow better and tall
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One of our favorite winter pastimes here in the Sunshine State is watching how everyone up north deals with the snow and ice. It’s even more pronounced this year as a winter storm ravages as far south as Texas, setting records. Meanwhile, we&rs
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Although it is one of the oldest holidays, we don’t know much about the true origins of St. Valentine’s Day or the Feast of St. Valentine. After all, he’s probably the second most known saint, after Saint Nicholas, even if we don&rs
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It’s not hard to understand why December to April are the busiest months of the year here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Hurricane season is (usually) over, and our subtropical temperatures look like an excellent respite from the cold winds and
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A lot of times, when we think of bees, we picture honey bees and maybe, occasionally, bumblebees. But did you know that scientists over the decades have recorded some 20,000 different bee species? That’s a lot of variation in God’s creati
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In our work here at Good News Pest Solutions, we are constantly amazed at the variety and specificity of many of God’s creations. Just looking at insects, we know of more than 1-million different species. And scientists estimate there could be
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There’s an old adage that goes “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is right now.” That’s the idea and spirit that led to founding Arbor Day over 150 years ago. The United States and many other
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If you’re like most of us, you can’t wait 'til we can finally bid 2020 goodbye. While nothing will magically change at the stroke of midnight, it just feels good to move on, even symbolically.
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Sometime around 2000 years ago, in a distant Middle Eastern country, a humble baby was born in a stable. He was wrapped in strips of cloth, cradled in a cattle trough, and visited by the some of the lowliest people in the region. A dozen, maybe two,
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It’s a time-honored tradition in many Gulf Coast Florida families. Sometime after Thanksgiving, you head down to the tree farm lot and pick out your Christmas tree. Sure, we’d like to go out and cut our own, but that’s just not poss
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It looks like we’ve finally hit winter here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, with temperatures dipping into the 40’s and low 50’s. It’s a nice break from the unseasonably warm weather and all those tropical storms! However, now w
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Sometimes we get so used to seeing an invasive species that we forget that it’s not native to the Sunshine State – or even the United States! We’ve looked at several over the past couple of months – ladybugs, red imported fire
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The last couple weeks of November is probably our third favorite time of the year.
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You’ve probably heard the saying that ladybugs are good luck. And that was certainly true for farmers over 100 years ago when the US Department of Agriculture imported thousands of Coccinella septempunctata into our country. The seven-spotted s
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Thousands of years ago, the Babylonians looked up into the sky and made up stories about the stars as they saw them representing their pantheon of deities. Many of the constellations we still point to in the night sky came from those stories. But not
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Whether you’re staying at home, doing a drive-by haunting, or heading out to trick-or-treat this weekend, we’ve got some tasty treats to make this Halloween a success!
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For years, arachnophobia – the sometimes irrational fear of spiders – has dominated the lists of the top scariest things in the world. We don’t know where this primal fear originated from, but the scariest of the spiders has earned
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It’s hard to believe when our temperatures are still climbing into the low 90’s that we’ve entered October...and we are almost a month into autumn! But we are. And while it may be a few weeks still before we get any actually cooler
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Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we often refer to ourselves as a for-profit, Christian ministry, cleverly disguised as a pest control company. And we take that commitment very seriously. We are always open to share the true good news of the Gospel,
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You’d think, with a good, Midwestern tradesperson and artisan name like 'Carpenter,' that carpenter ants would be a good thing. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed from the title, nothing could be further from the truth.
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A lot of newcomers to the Sunshine State sometimes complain that we have no seasons. That's just not true! We have tourist season, hurricane season, mosquito season, snowbird season…
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Just picture it. You’re in your bathroom, doing your weekly cleaning and sweeping out all the crevices… and there it is. You’re face to, er, face, with a large, hairy, thick-legged spider – staring right down its soft mandibl
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As we turn the calendar pages and look forward to the high temperatures easing off (they will, soon!), we know our perennial snowbirds will soon be headed to the Sunshine state. But another seasonal guest is also headed our way. And it carries more d
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With everything else that has happened in 2020, you might have forgotten the threat some mosquitoes pose. No, they don’t spread the Coronavirus – it’s a respiratory illness. But in fact, a single mosquito bite can be deadly if the m
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The last time the media found out about an invasive Asian insect, we were subjected to horrifying tales of Murder Hornets. Never mind the fact that there were only a few Giant Yellow Hornets spotted in North America...or that mosquitoes are a far mor
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Like dominoes, many aspects of our lives are connected – and not always in ways we anticipate. Knock one down and the effects ripple across many facets of our society.
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Did you know that in the 40’s and 50’s, and before, all students learned how to write one way? Left handed people were forced to learn to write with their right hands. And no matter how difficult it was for them, they were shamed and view
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Imagine the scenario… Special guests are coming to dinner or a weekend get together, and you’re planning to make cookies, cake, or another baked good from scratch. You grab the ingredients, some eggs, butter and sugar whipped together.
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Even if this is your first encounter with us, as you might have gathered from our name, Good News Pest Solutions is a big fan of good news. Good news; you don’t have termites! Good news; we can get those roaches out of your house and keep them
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It’s not a federal holiday – yet – but for lepidopterans across the globe, it’s been a time of celebration during this last full week of July for nearly ten years. National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, life cycles, and hab
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It’s been an interesting year. In addition to the emergence of the novel Coronavirus that forced half the world to shut down and peaceful protests transformed into the some of the worst race riots since the 60’s, our little corner of the
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Even if you’ve only been in Florida for a few hours, you’re likely to have heard the popular phrase: “Our neighbors have cockroaches; we have Palmetto bugs.” It’s usually said with some sort of pride – as if our fl
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Thanks to the worldwide and nationwide struggle with the Coronavirus, 4th of July celebrations will have a different tone this year. Most of the public fireworks displays in our area have either been cancelled or switched to virtual, online displays.
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It’s something you’ve likely never even considered. After all, when we think of Alaska, we think of snow and ice, or 24-hours of daylight, as shown in movies like Insomnia. But Alaska does have a summer. And they also refer to mosquitoes
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On Sunday, June 21, we will celebrate Father’s Day. A day set aside, much like Mother’s Day, to commemorate the men in our lives who have raised us. But while the Ten Commandments told us to honor our father and mother some 4000 years ago
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You’ve probably heard us saying this more times than any of us can count: There are two kinds of homes in Florida. Those with termites and those that will have termites. And while much of our state stayed home from work over the past month or t
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Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house… Hurricane season starts next week!
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When most of us hear the term “June Bug,” we think of the beetles that littered our front porches during the summer months. We probably stepped on more than we needed to – that satisfying crunch making them the equivalent of insect
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The year 2020 is a lot of things: The year of the Eye, for obvious reasons; in the Chinese zodiac the year of the Rat, which seems strangely appropriate; the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, and as such, the year of the Nurse and the Midwife..
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This Sunday, we will honor the women in our lives. While the day is named for and commemorates the woman who gave birth to us, in recent years, we’ve informally expanded the celebration. Now, we tend to include all of the ladies who helped rais
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As Spring quickly plows into our perpetual 80-degrees plus Summer, the month of May offers an opportunity to experience one of God’s stranger insect creations, the Mayfly.
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Did you know our word picnic comes from a French term? The phrase pique-nique roughly translates to "bring a little or almost nothing". It became popular in the mid-1600’s as shorthand for couples who would bring their own wine to dinner.
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We all know the popular catch phrase, “April showers bring May flowers,” but did you know the saying actually comes from the prologue to Chaucher’s Canterbury Tales? Sometimes those English Lit classes really do come in handy!
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None of us could have expected this back in January when we celebrated the start of the New Year. We heard the first reports coming out of China of a new flu-related virus. But who knew it would be having such an impact on us as we prepare to celebra
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You’ve probably heard the popular weather phrase referenced above. In reality, it’s closer to an old wives’ tale than an accurate weather predictor. And we know it probably originated in the Midwest or the Northeast, so even if it w
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In times like these it seems that fear and worry are the number one things on people’s minds. Fear of Coronavirus. Fear of being alone. Fear of being stranded without the necessary essentials. Fear of not having money for your mortgage, rent, o
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In the midst of all of the myriad concerns occupying the news over the past week, you might have lost track of the fact that we’re moving from the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox. Or you might just be surprised that it’s already her
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Health & safety are always important to us at Good News. Many of the pests that we eliminate can carry disease or cause other health issues if left unchecked (more on this below), and since we frequently enter the homes of our customers, we have
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There’s a popular belief that moths eat clothing – specifically, the wool in our sweaters. But that’s not entirely true.
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When you consider all of the benefits that certain creatures bring us, you have to wonder why we’re so afraid of them. I mean, we bring dogs and cats into our homes and all they do is hang around, eat, sleep and occasionally kill a random roden
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If you’ve lived in Southwest Florida for any length of time, you might have heard the myth that we have no seasons. Sure, Spring, Summer, and Fall all feel similar, it’s often around 80 degrees year round, and the leaves don’t chang
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of months, you’ve heard something about the Chinese Coronavirus outbreak. With nearly 2000 reported fatalities to date, the majority of them in mainland China, COVID-19 is respons
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So if you’ve been in Florida for any time at all, you’ve probably encountered Love Bugs. Every year from the end of March through May, the Plecia nearctica come out, fly around and mate. And because the exhaust fumes from cars is somewhat
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Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we talk a lot about how to keep bugs out of your home. After all, it’s one of our primary missions and has been for more than 30 years. But one of our other goals is to educate people. So this week, we’d
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Most of us are familiar with birds that migrate North when the weather warms up and that return our way in the late summer and fall as the northern temperatures drop.
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Of all the ants you could find in your home, Carpenter Ants seem like they could be the most pleasant. They cut and measure and put things together, build furniture, maybe do a little woodworking on the side…
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It’s a summertime ritual dog owners and campers know well – checking for Ticks after a fun outdoorsy adventure. No one wants the bloodsuckers in the house – especially when you consider that a pregnant female tick can lay between 15
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This year, our winter in southern Florida is one of the strangest on record. Higher than average rainfall amounts, together with a mix of unseasonably warm and rapidly dropping temperatures have made for an interesting holiday season.
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A movie came out last month on Amazon titled “The Aeronauts.” It is a movie loosely based on the real life story of James Glaisher, who, in 1862, flew higher into the atmosphere than any previous hot air balloon had flown, almost costing
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“…no matter how far away you roam
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2019 has been a year of tremendous blessings, sorrows, experiences, growth and just about everything you can imagine. We are grateful for the multitude of people in our life...friends, family, customers and everyone who joined us in celebrating our 3
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Yes, it’s getting to be that time of year again…
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Sometimes living on the Gulf Coast of Florida means we lose track of the changing seasons that the rest of the country sees. No falling leaves, no chilling breezes, no first snowfall to remind us what time of year it is.
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There’s a saying we have here at Good News Pest Solutions: There are two types of homes in Florida. Those that have termites and those that will have termites.
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It’s a common experience. You come out of your house during the rainy season after the storm has passed on, only to hear several crunches under your feet. You look down to see June bugs littering your front porch. Well, actually, in Florida, th
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Ever since they started making “B” horror films in the 50’s, a popular subject of terror was insects – from the existence of giant mutated insects to humans being overrun by multitudes of insects, to even becoming insects ours
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One of the fun facts that pops up quite often in insect discussions is the fact that the cockroach has been around since the time of the dinosaurs. But did you know there’s an even more ancient bug? One that has learned to live and hide in the
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Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water backyard…
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People are always looking to eat healthier and to get more protein and more variety in their diet. What better place to start than with the ultimate protein source?
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It seems like every year, at least one of our local news stations comes out with bigger and better weather detection technology. Not that we necessarily need it.
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One of our top priorities here at Good News Pest Solutions is protecting the environment as part of our mission to steward the planet and the resources God has given us. We’ve got a long history of finding and using risk-reduced, organic, green
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The rains have been in full force this summer. While they've lightened some in the past few weeks, the standing water is still around.
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With the seemingly never-ending showers, and the unseasonably warm temperatures, you might have noticed everyone’s spending more time indoors. Unfortunately, part of that “everyone” is ants. And not the usual biting ants we see arou
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Editor's Note: Surprise, surprise! It looks like Hurricane Dorian might be crashing everyone's Labor Day picnic this weekend, but we thought we'd go ahead and share this post anyway for your picnic Hurricane Party (We actually really hope you won't b
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A brand new game show debuted recently that’s got everyone in our offices interested. It comes from our friends at Pest Control Technology. While they’re not working with Dick Clark or Mark Burnett Productions, it’s got all the grea
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In the most recent Transformers movie, fan favorite Bumblebee not only takes the form of a Volkswagen Beetle, but also switches to a more aggressive Yellowjacket robot mode when his human friends are threatened. That’s all well and good for a r
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This has not been a good year for the citrus tree growers in the Sunshine state. The 2018/19 season started with the promise of an increased harvest – the USDA predicting a 76% growth for Florida’s primary crop. But then a flood of lower
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The more we explore and learn about the world around us, the more often we find ourselves amazed at the diversity and specificity of every creature God created - from our own instincts and intellect, all the way down to our insect and arachnid cohabi
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With the warmer than usual summer temperatures we’ve been dealing with over the past month, turning on the oven is likely the last thing you want to do. But we promise it’ll be worth it for this extremely tasty treat!
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You know that old adage about how cockroaches can survive a nuclear holocaust and outlive us all? Well, we’ve got some good news and bad news.
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It isn’t much of a surprise that researchers at one of Florida’s top universities are still working on solutions for the threat of Zika virus. Outside of Brazil and possibly Texas, Florida had one of the largest groupings of Zika virus po
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It’s one of our favorite great American summer traditions – the Fourth of July! Celebrating our independence and the birth of what would become the United States of America. Tradition dictates that every active military base celebrates th
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After the sweltering heat we’ve been dealing with this early summer, the return of the afternoon rains seems like a refreshing change. But the rainy season brings its own challenges. Two of our most “popular” insect pests begin to b
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There are certain dangerous constants we live with here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Alligators. Hurricane season. Sunscreen. Wait – Sunscreen?
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There is so much that we have yet to learn about the other creatures God placed on planet earth with us. It seems every day we’re discovering a new species, or a newly discovered underwater creature, or new facts about insects that we thought w
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On the third Sunday in June, we celebrate and honor Fathers everywhere. Other countries also have special celebrations for Dads, but believe it or not, Father’s Day was instituted in the United States less than 50 years ago.
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We all know now that nicotine in cigarettes is a highly addictive substance for human beings. So you might wonder why, just 20 years ago, companies started transitioning from standard insecticides to ones derived from nicotine.
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We have a saying around here. There’s two kinds of homes in Florida. Those that have termites and those that will get termites. Sadly, thanks to the swarming subterranean insects that invaded the paradise we call home, there’s a very slim
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It’s a popular image in commercials and TV shows. There’s nothing that quite says “I love you” like bringing mom breakfast in bed. Of course, there’s always the comic reveal moments later of the disaster area that used t
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God’s creation is filled with all manner of strange and unusual creatures on the land, in the air, and deep in the ocean. Many folks point to the duckbill platypus as an example, but we’ve found some even stranger exhibits of the wonders
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This year’s Oscar award for animated film went to “Into the Spider-Verse.” In the movie, a dimensional portal opens. Suddenly, multiple Peter Parkers and a host of other versions of the iconic Spiderman are united across the multive
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Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have become a life-saving force in the world. Primarily used for treating infections, antibiotics are now an essential part of everyday life for medical professionals.
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It looks like something out of the plot of one of those Saturday science fiction monster movies. But “Wallace’s Giant Bee” wasn’t created by some mad scientist bent on world domination – or a Hollywood special effects ar
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It seems every time the environment is mentioned these days, it’s bad news. But, thanks to some long-reaching NASA satellites, we have some good news to share! According to a recent report from the National Aeronautical and Space Administration
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It’s always exciting finding a new and interesting bug around your home or work. Ok. So, maybe that’s just us. Regardless, with all the insects that our clients ask us to take a look at that they’ve never seen before, there are a fe
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Despite our recent dip into the upper 40’s, Florida doesn’t have many days that our neighbors to the north would consider “real winter.” That has its benefits and disadvantages. The fact that we call 40’s and 50’s
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Even without the threat of Yellow Fever, Zika and Dengue viruses, the mosquito leads the list of most annoying insects. Especially during the summer months, which, thanks to our subtropical environment, tends to linger longer in Florida. So it should
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The winter weather we’ve seen in Florida this year has been some of the most convoluted ever. Of course, we can’t help but notice that, as strange as it’s been, our neighbors to the North have been surviving a much harder time of it
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For the past 30 years, one of the central components of our mission here at Good News Pest Solutions has been to not only provide the most effective pest solutions, but to do so while acting as God’s stewards, striving to protect and enhance ou
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There is no shortage of creative ways to express your feelings of affection for another person these days. You can make a donation in their name, buy a goat for an impoverished village, or have a star named after them (or can you?). As you might have
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The fun of living in a world filled with entertainment is the tendency to adopt certain ideas as being accurate. When, in fact, we have no proof. Worse, we may think a particular viewpoint is true when in reality, it’s completely false. For exa
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Artificial neural networks is a popular buzz phrase these days. For years, they’ve been improving speech recognition, giving rise to Alexa and Siri. Facebook is trying to put them into play to filter fake news from real. Google’s using th
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For most folks the thought of flicking the lights on and seeing literally millions of cockroaches fleeing to the corners of the room would be enough to send them out of the building forever. After all, useful and productive are not the terms that fir
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There are many amazing things in creation, and we’ve explored many you can find in the insect world in our past articles on Extreme Bugs. This month we have a particularly interesting bug with an unusual defense mechanism that could blow... you
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It seems like just yesterday, we were ringing in 2018, and now, we’re all a year older and hopefully a bit wiser! And 2019 isn’t just another year for us, either. We are celebrating our DIAMOND Anniversary this year! Thirty years ago, in
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Between Thanksgiving week and the first week of the New Year, a lot of people are travelling. In fact, AAA predicts one in three will travel over the holiday season this year, breaking the record from each of the previous two years. In case you were
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As we wrap up our year long quest to help everyone live a little greener, today we’re focusing on your wardrobe. There are some clothes you can wear forever, some that slip in and out of fashion and some items we pray no one finds the pictures
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If you’ve watched the news at least once, you’ve likely caught a weather report. Cold fronts, warm fronts, snow, rain, and clouds. But have you ever said to yourself, just what is a barometer and how does it help predict the weather? You&
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For most people, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season. It can be a time of remembered customs, from holiday celebration rituals to traditional food items. But why not mix things up and try a different flavor for this year’s Th
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It’s hard to believe it’s been more than two years since spectators at the women’s international summer soccer games in Brazil were chanting “Zika, Zika!” And while the threat of Zika virus is still something of a concer
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We’re continuing our series on going deep when going green. We’ve already covered your house, your yard and your food. But have you ever considered going green with your daily beauty routine?
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While the chosen treat on the majority of folks mind this time of year is candy, it’s long been a time-honored tradition to come up with clever new creative snacks for the Halloween ‘season.’ This year, whether you go out trick-or-t
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While they will never be as popular as some of their other rodent cousins, Hollywood has certainly raised the profile of rats for most folks. Whether it’s Remy in Ratatouille, Master Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Muppet’
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Judging from the response we’ve been getting, you’re really enjoying our deep dive on going green around your home these past few months. So now that we’ve looked at everything from your spring cleaning to getting your garage and po
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Deep in the jungles of Africa there lives an insect that that is known for sucking blood and making men go mad. Barely stopping to put its feet down, it drives its long proboscis deep into the flesh of any mammal, living off their blood, while leavin
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It’s been a while since we’ve spent any time discussing the dangers of Zika virus that were so prevalent for the past couple of summers. In fact, back in May, the CDC removed the recommended Zika-related restrictions for people traveling
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If you’re like most of us, you don’t think about your attic much. Especially here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, where they’re closer to crawl spaces than the canted storage or living areas they enjoy in most of the country. But if y
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In just a short while, the Gulf Coast of Florida will start to experience the biggest invasive species we’ve ever seen. Luckily, it’s only for a few months. We’re talking, of course, of the annual migration of snowbirds to our sandy
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On the Netflix TV show Atypical, a boy with high-functioning autism uses his obsessive love for penguins to help him adapt to situations that he would normally find distracting or disturbing. Throughout the first season of the show, he focuses especi
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The leaves aren’t quite turning color and falling off the trees yet (except the ones dying from the higher than average heat), but another clear indicator for the fall season has arrived – the beginning of the school year. Whether your fa
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If you’ve watched any of the full-scale robotics competitions on PBS then you’re aware that, contrary to the movies, robots are a very long way from taking over the world. First, they need to manage to stay standing up and work a doorknob
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The 1950’s was rife with B movies that forced unprepared heroes and heroines to face giants spiders, scorpions, and other assorted insects and arachnids. But they never had to face the horrifying threat that is suddenly becoming all too real &n
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In the midst of the hot summer months, you’re probably not thinking much about going green in your pool. Unless, of course, you’re worried about excessive algae deposits thanks to our near daily rainfall here on Florida’s Gulf Coast
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In 1955, the movie Tarantula debuted, the first in an ongoing series of giant spider movies that continues as recently as 2013’s “The Giant Spider.” For decades, both psychologists and arachnologists have studied human’s seemi
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Whether you’re a full-time lepidopterist or just an amateur butterfly enthusiast, there’s always a thrill when you spot a new or unusual butterfly. But are you really sure it’s not one you've seen before? Most insects are easily ide
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We typically spend more time outdoors during the summer months than the rest of the year. So, we’re taking a slight detour in our quest to make your home as environmentally efficient as it can be. This month we’ll be looking for ways to g
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Despite being in the midst of rainy season, we tend to spend a bit more time outdoors during the summer months, often hiking and camping. Unfortunately for us, that’s also the time that annoying bugs like mosquitoes and ticks are more prevalent
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For many families on the Gulf Coast of Florida, their four-legged friends are just as much a part of the clan as their blood relatives. They ride in the car, share dinner, even go with you on vacations. But the annual Fourth of July celebration? That
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Whether you mark the time by the end of the school year or what it says on the calendar, summer has officially begun on the Gulf Coast of Florida! It feels like kids these days are more inclined to play video games or interact with social media than
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There have been a lot of trends in alternative nutrition in search of better, healthier options for food. This is especially true for those folks who are Vegan, lactose intolerant, and those who suffer from gluten or nut allergies. We’ve seen t
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Regardless whether you use your garage to park your car, as a toolshed and project site, as an oversize clutter closet, or some combination thereof, it probably isn’t the first place you think of when you consider transforming your home into a
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With Tropical Storm Alberto already spinning in the Gulf, it looks like we have an early hurricane season again this year. In fact, maybe we should just change the dates, as this is the 4th year in a row where we’ve had a named storm in May. Re
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You might have noticed a very important date coming up on your calendar. Monday, May 28 is Memorial Day! On the last Monday of May every year we honor the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom while serving in the
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The National Pest Management Association has released their annual bug barometer for the remainder of 2018 – and into 2019 for us on the Gulf Coast of Florida. There are a lot of factors to try and take into account when considering what the re
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Once again, as rainy season for Florida approaches, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are in the headlines. And this time, there’s a much larger potential for danger than the one posed by the Zika virus. To be clear, Zika is still a very real threat. Ex
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The average family does about 8-10 loads of laundry every week. That adds up to 11-15 hours a week – if you’re using the dryer. It can be longer for items you hang or spread out on a rack to dry. So it makes sense that the next place we&r
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Have you ever seen an insect pulled over in a school zone for speeding? While that may not seem likely, for our latest Extreme Bug, the Desert Locust, the fact that it can fly more than 21 miles per hour into the wind is just one of the amazing aspec
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On Sunday, April 22, we will celebrate the 48th annual Earth Day. The first organized celebration of our planet was the idea of two Congressmen – a Democrat from Wisconsin and a Republican from California – and was intended to be a nation
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For most home and business owners, there’s only a couple times you think about pest control. Either when it’s time for your regularly scheduled checkup and treatment, or when you spot cockroaches, ants, mice, termites or other insects and
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As we continue our expedition to “going green” in our houses this year, today’s journey takes us into a room that you typically spend between 6 and 8 hours a day in, although you’re generally not awake for most of it. But fear
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Whether you refer to it as the parlor, great room, family room, rec room, or just living room, this is the part of the house that displays who you are to the rest of the world. It’s where you watch entertainment, entertain guests, and where you
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Many of us can probably recall that around this time of year, our parents would organize a whole day of “Spring Cleaning,” often culminating in a garage sale the following weekend. Sometimes, you’d even see several families on the s
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Since the first sign that the Zika virus had reappeared in areas largely populated by humans in 2013, there have been countless ideas and theories and attempts to limit the spread of the virus, largely through its mosquito carriers. Scientists and l
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The next stop on our eco-friendly tour of the house may seem surprising! However, as a whole, the average family spends somewhere between a third and half of their time at home in this particular living space. So we thought it would be a really good
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Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we have a saying that you might have heard us mention before: “There are two types of homes in Florida – those with termites and those that don’t have them YET.” Termite infestations cost home
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Most of us agree that keeping our planet and ourselves healthy should be a priority. However, we know that to get started “Going Green” takes some dedication and a bit of an upfront investment. But it’s well worth it! And you don&rs
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Despite the fact he had no success and made almost no money off of his art before allegedly shooting himself in the gut at 37, we know quite a bit about the painter Vincent Van Gogh. The Dutch painter was the son of a pastor, and actually pursued the
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In the award-winning film by Guillermo Del Toro, The Shape of Water, the filmmaker's latest creature creation in moments of extreme emotion lights up with a strange, otherworldly glow. The makeup and effects people working on the film managed this wi
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With everything going on in the world, it may seem like society is getting darker, it’s impossible to make a difference – there’s no hope. But that’s far from true, and it’s time to share the rest of the story… Th
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Valentine’s Day is coming up quick! And while we know that the day is traditionally celebrated by expressing your love for another human being, there’s no rule that says you can’t express your love for God’s creation at the sa
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Not too long ago, any type of genetic manipulation was the stuff of science fiction books and movies like Jurassic Park and Gattaca. And while we’re still decades away from the human genome being selected or edited, the same is not true for the
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If you’re like most of us, you either made some resolutions or set some goals for yourself for the coming year. The start of a new year is a nice signpost for initiating a change. So we decide to lose weight, read more, eat healthier, watch les
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As you’ve probably figured out by now, we’re pretty into being environmentally conscious and going green here at Good News Pest Solutions. We’ve even found that by taking your time to research and do it right, going green can often
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As we celebrate this most joyous time of the year, we hope you find time amongst the busyness of the season to create wonderful memories with your family and friends. And remember, the joy comes not from the giving of gifts, but in the coming of Jesus, the One who gave everything for
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This time of year, most people’s thoughts turn to giving gifts. And don’t get us wrong, we love giving and getting presents. Especially since the Christmas season is about celebrating God giving us his most precious gift for our sake. But
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Was there ever a mammal more reviled and maligned than the rat? First to leave the ship, the nickname for anyone who acts in their own interest at the expense of others, accused of spreading disease (even when they don’t). Even animal rights ac
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Thanksgiving was only last week, and with it, the 2 busiest shopping weeks of the year: Black Friday (and Thanksgiving itself for many retailers), Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday – or is it Cyber Week? – finishing off with Giving Tu
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While we are grateful for YOU everyday - our friends, family and loyal customers of Good News Pest Solutions - this is the one time of year when we get to really shout it from the rooftops. We're thrilled that every year we get to meet even more new people and spread the Good News of God's love through our work and our commitment to excellence and preserving this world God created for us.
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Ah, Cranberry Sauce. The fruitcake of the Thanksgiving Feast. Do you put it on the turkey? The stuffing? The crackers? Does anyone actually eat it? Just how did this end up on the dinner table for the biggest meal of the year? Anyone who’s ever
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Any school-age child can tell you that a creepy crawly caterpillar folds itself into a cocoon and dies, only to emerge as a beautiful butterfly. It’s a story of transformation, resurrection, and beauty. Except it doesn’t always work that
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Everyone is familiar with the stereotypical image of a bee. They fly around, flower to flower, pollinating, then taking pollen back to the hive where it’s turned into honey. But if you could look closer inside the hive, where few humans dare to
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It’s the time of year when we start thinking of Halloween and all that entails: trick or treating, witches, black cats, and of course, vampires that turn into bats. Actually, funny story – did you know that in Bram Stoker’s novel, t
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We’ve spoken in the past about how strong and sturdy spider silk is, so much so that researchers are using it as a model for developing cables and body armor. But recently, scientists discovered another aspect of spider silk that they had never
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There are many happy accidents throughout history where a scientist’s intention becomes a catalyst for a completely different discovery. The oldest and best remembered is of course the bread mold that Alexander Fleming (not Louis Pasteur) first
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When there’s excessive rainfall and the floodwaters start to rise – like when a Hurricane like Harvey or Irma hits or approaches the Gulf Coast – everyone fights to rise above the waves and survive it. And none are more adaptive and
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In our recent Pest of the Month post, we talked about how some folks in China eat cockroaches as well as using them for medicinal uses. It sounds like a scene from an Indiana Jones movie, but in other parts of the world, insects are often eaten &ndas
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September is known for a lot of things – the start of the school year, the end of the harvest, even in 1752 for losing 11 days (when England and her colonies joined the rest of the world in switching from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar)!
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We’ve highlighted quite a few interesting extreme bugs over the years. It’s really incredible all the variety that God created in our world, and there are few scientific classes with more diversity than the insect world. We think this mon
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We’ve posted several times about the dwindling bee population. In fact, for the past 11 years, the bee population has decreased by approximately 40% per year, resulting in a focused campaign on many fronts to not only try and deal with the prob
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On the HBO show Silicon Valley, one of the running themes is how the computer whizzes use their technology to share data across thousands of phones and Internet-connected smart devices to improve the world. Now scientists at the University of Colorad
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As we move into the hottest months of the year, we thought we’d share some green tips on how to keep your cool in the house while still keeping your electric bill in check.
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Just like most of our residents here on the Gulf Coast of Florida, a lot of our animals, plant life, and insects are also from other parts of the United States and the world. Sometimes that can be a good thing. But in many cases, bugs introduced from
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No, they're not really attacking, This isn't one of those Friday night, B-level science fiction horror movies! But, if you’ve lived in Florida any time at all, you’re aware that the extensive rains we’re having this month will lead
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As we’ve been known to say many times in the past, there are two kinds of homes in Florida – those with termites and those that will have them. We talked about subterranean termites a little while back, so today we’ll focus on their
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We don’t like to brag, but we have a lot of great things here in Florida. In St. Augustine, we have the oldest existing (and still settled) European settlement in North America; the Miami Dolphins are the only NFL team to play a perfect season;
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We love our temperate weather here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. But when it’s 80-90 degrees every day, sometimes it gets hard to keep track of the seasons. So we come up with our own seasons – Tourist season, Hurricane season, Citrus sea
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As we start preparing for the annual rainy season, we decided to focus on everyone’s favorite Florida state mascot – the Mosquito! We know everyone has stories about how annoying mosquitoes are, but we’d like to focus first on the
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It seems like the calendar just changed from winter to spring, but before too long, the Summer Solstice will be here. At these times of the year, we often start planning for vacations. Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we’re always looking for
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In the recent trailer for The Justice League movie, Commissioner Gordon tells Batman, “It’s good to see you playing well with others again.” According to the comics, Bruce Wayne chose to dress like a bat to strike fear into the hear
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Going Paperless, Baby! For the past 30 years, we’ve gone above and beyond to fulfill our mission in Sarasota, Bradenton, Punta Gorda, Lakewood Ranch, really the whole Gulf Coast of Florida, as the industry leader, not only in pest control solut
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There’s a lot of talk about weather and the climate on the news these days. Temperatures going up and down, flash floods, El Niño, winter storms, La Niña… It’s hard to wrap your head around sometimes. Plus, you might
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Yeah, we know we haven’t been talking about the Zika virus lately, and that’s mostly because, thankfully, there hasn’t been much to talk about. The last case of locally transmitted Zika virus in Florida was on December 21, 2016, in
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Okay, fair warning, this story is bound to give just about anyone the heebie jeebies. It sounds like a really creepy version of an Edgar Allen Poe or H.P. Lovecraft story. An episode of the Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. David Cronenberg’s
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As we approach Valentine’s Day, everyone is talking about how love is in the air. Bam! Pop! Squish! And now, it’s on your windshield… We’ve got a special treat for you this month. And don’t worry; it doesn’t invol
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Yes, we sometimes jokingly refer to them as the ‘state bird.’ But even before there was the threat of the Zika virus spreading throughout the sunshine state, mosquitoes have been one of our least favorite Florida residents. And unlike the
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When temperatures start to drop, most warm blooded creatures– ourselves included – tend to seek out places and situations where they’ll stay a bit warmer. If you’ve been in Florida for more than a few months, you’ll myst
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It’s been a while, but we’re finally back with one of our fun fan favorites – Extreme Bugs! This time around, we’re taking a look at one of the most unique members of the insect community – the beautiful but deadly Orchi
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Most folks like to do something special for New Year’s Eve – shoot off some fireworks, drop in at Disney, maybe even brave the crowd in Times Square to watch the ball drop. But one prime celebration location is suffering from an ages-old
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Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring… except for the spoon in the batter for these peanut butter chocolate mouse treats! Here at Good News Pest Solutions, we normally shy away from inviting cer
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It’s been a busy year for our friend the Aedes aegypti mosquito. She’s already been deemed one of the most important news stories of 2016, but the year’s not quite over yet… Since February of this year when the Zika virus fir
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2016 has been an unusual year for news. From unexpected outcomes to Presidential elections to police shootings to the highest focus on resolving racial tensions than we’ve seen for the past 50 years. But one of the biggest news stories for the
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There’s a long standing tradition of science borrowing from nature to create new technologies. Biomimicry is a fancy word for seeing what God has created in nature and being inspired to adapt it for human’s use. Helicopter propellers, you
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As if the thought of invisible creepy crawlies wasn’t enough to make you hate bed bugs (Cimex lectularius), nearly half of us are likely to have an moderate to severe reaction to the bites. Talk about adding insult to injury. The odds are good
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Outside of Stuart Little, Tom & Jerry, and Ratatouille, most people are at least startled, if not repulsed, at the sudden appearance of a mouse or rat. But if the fear or even the thought of such an occurrence causes extreme anxiety, you could be
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Florida leads the US in cases of Zika virus, both for travel related and local transmissions, and that is not a record we’re proud of! Federal and State money has been committed to finding a way to stem the tide of the rapidly spreading virus.
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In the 27 years we’ve been providing pest control to our friends and neighbors in the Gulf Coast area, we here at Good News Pest Solutions have heard many crazy ideas about pest control. Some are old wives tales, some come from clever marketing
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Fruits and vegetables all have very interesting textures. And one of the most unique is that of the fig. Fleshy, yet firm, sweet, yet filled with little bits that too often get stuck in your teeth. But don’t worry, unlike the Internet rumors or
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Don't let unwanted guests ruin your holidays! Good News Pest Solutions gets rid of them fast! From the Good News family to yours... Merry Christmas!
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One of our favorite times of the year is happening RIGHT NOW! It is time for the Sarasota Powerboat Grand Prix! This ultimate summer party is a blast and a great way to celebrate the Fourth of July all week long! We are so excited to have the Good Ne
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The race is ON! The annual Suncoast Offshore Super Boat Grand Prix Festival is underway and we couldn't be more proud to have the Good News Pest Solutions Super Boat representing our company... and driven by the world-class race team Knot Krazy Offsh
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Florida is not called "The Sunshine State" for no reason... we are blessed with more sunny days than not!
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We are honored and thrilled to have been named "Best of Venice" in the Pest Control category by the readers of the Venice Gondolier Sun. Each year, the newspaper offers its readers the opportunity to vote on the businesses nominated in a variety of c
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[caption id="attachment_5951" align="alignleft" width="300"] The Good News Team is praying for you![/caption] We love what we do here at Good News Pest Solutions. We are passionate about bringing you, our loyal customers, the very best in organic pes
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[caption id="attachment_5208" align="alignleft" width="300"] T·A·P™: Thermal Acoustical Pest Control[/caption] There's a reason the word solutions is in our name! Good News Pest Solutions specializes in providing you with solution
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Hey there! We're so glad you returned to learn more about the Top 10 Bedbug Myths. Let's get started right away... Myth 6: Bedbugs prefer unsanitary, urban conditions. Bedbugs can be found anywhere....let me repeat...bedbugs can be found anywhere!
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Did you know bed bugs are now found in every state? Cimex lectularius (this is their official name!) have taken up residence in every state of our great union and appear to be flourishing! Myths about these small, flattened insects that feed solely o
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[caption id="attachment_5334" align="alignleft" width="300"] Fruit Flies: Cleaning the Areas that Attract Them[/caption] Last week we started our discussion about fruit flies. Although they're small, they can be a mighty big pain! This week we like
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We know, we know, it's a really rotten joke—please don't hold it against us! However, speaking of rotten bananas, if you have them laying around your kitchen, you probably have some fruit flies hanging around, too! Fruit flies are attracted to
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In our last two blog posts, we shared with you the Dirty Dozen—those fruits and vegetables you should consider buying organic based on the amount of pesticide residue found on them. But let's face it, organic produce can sometimes put a strain
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Have you seen our 'Good News' Magazine yet? You haven't? Oh wow—well, it's really great. (If we say so ourselves!) This publication is
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It appears the real estate market is making a comeback in the Tampa Bay area...good news! And here's more good news...we do FREE termite inspections, including Real Estate Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspection Reports for single family homes in
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[caption id="attachment_2942" align="alignleft" width="300"] Racing away at Andersen RacePark![/caption] "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." —Henry Ford Henry Ford was right. Working toge
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Don't be drastic! There are simple, effective measures you can implement to decrease the number of pests invading your home.
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Sun City Center, Ruskin, Palmetto, Parrish, Ellenton, Bradenton, Anna Maria, Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, Longboat Key, Lakewood Ranch, University Park, Myakka City, Sarasota, Siesta Key, Osprey, Nokomis, Casey Key, Venice, Englewood, North Port, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Arcadia
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1080 Enterprise Court, Ste A
North Venice, FL 34275
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